Supporting Local Industry | Multiworks

Local Jobs First

With our extensive experience working in regional and remote sites across Australia, Multiworks appreciates that while our activities contribute to the local economy, we can do more to support the local businesses, industries and communities.

Multiworks is committed to putting local businesses and workers first. We do this by making sure that regardless of where the project is located, local, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are given full and fair opportunity to compete for contracts of all sizes and types.

Services we require are:

  • Construction professionals
  • Construction materials
  • Subcontracted construction services
  • Plant, equipment and facilities hire
  • Accommodation and catering.

Contact Us for more information.

A Local Industry Development Plan (LIDP) is a key document to support our commitment to Local Jobs First. Multiworks develops a tailored LIDP for each project in response to its size, complexity and delivery requirements. The document sets out how Multiworks will engage with local industry, and clearly communicates our commitments to local industry participation including employment opportunities as part of project delivery.