Beryl & Mount Piper Containment Tanks | Multiworks
The Beryl and Mount Piper Substations contain 132/66kV networks to supply the local townships. Due to the aging condition of the existing transformer bunds a new containment system was required to allow for the containment of water and oils should there ever be a fault with the transformer. Multiworks provided all upgrade works at the two substations to upgrade this existing oil containment system. This involved the construction of new primary spill oil tanks, upgrade of existing bunds, installation of new connecting pipework for both substations and flame traps for Mount Piper only. Adding to the complexity of this scope was the proximity of the proposed containment systems to the adjacent high-voltage and in-service electrical equipment. Multiworks took over the design of this element to create a piling retention system adjacent to the structures and to ensure the site remained operational through the work.

Regional, NSW






Civil Construction, Concrete FRP

