Multiworks believes everyone has a right to return home safely each day and has a duty to take care of themselves and those around them. Our approach to health and safety promotes personal commitment and individual empowerment.

Multiworks provides all personnel, labour hire staff and subcontractors with the systems and controls to eliminate or manage risk in the workplace. Our training, supervision, tools, plant, and equipment ensures our projects are completed without compromise.

Our commitment to safety extends to supporting our clients achieve their safety objectives and targets. We tailor our services to ensure continuity of systems and reporting.  Our collaborative working with our clients ensures industry best practices and procedures to maintain a safe, zero-harm environment.

We deliver on our commitment to health and safety through:

  • Complying with all Occupational Health and Safety legislative and contract requirements
  • Measuring, reporting and reviewing OHS performance objectives across all levels of the business. Regular review of our performance against these targets ensures we continually improve our practices
  • Maintaining a Safety Management System that complies with Australian Standard – ISO 45001
  • Ensuring that OHS is an integral part of management accountability and that OHS considerations are not compromised by other business objectives
  • Consulting with ground crews and stakeholders and implement risk management processes to ensure hazards are identified, assessed and controlled so that the health and safety of personnel is not compromised
  • Ensuring all work activities are carried out by competent suitably trained people and that appropriate training and resources are provided
  • Ensuring all workers, subcontractors and stakeholders understand their personal responsibility to conduct work in a safe manner. This includes adhering to Multiworks policies, procedures, safety expectations and safe work methods
  • Execution of regular, systematic auditing of our Integrated Management System (IMS), OHS processes and respond to the deficiencies of these audits – driving continuous improvement to our safety processes and their effective implementation
  • Circulation of relevant OHS and related information applicable to Multiworks’ activities.


 Screen Shot 2020 12 01 at 2.04.06 pm   Screen Shot 2020 12 01 at 2.05.37 pmScreen Shot 2020 12 01 at 2.11.43 pmAIHS Corporate Member Logo Bronze